Who is This For?There’s a common refrain right now that I keep reading, keep hearing, keep seeing in different ways with similar words: “Who is this for?”Aug 11, 2019Aug 11, 2019
Resist HateDo not allow hate in our hearts. It is tragically easy to do just that. It is the easy route. The easy path follows hate and othering and…Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017
Ever famous?I overheard an interesting conversation earlier, but it wasn’t really all that interesting for its content. It was interesting because of…Apr 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017
Cliques: The Importance of Writing CirclesThe Lost Generation found each other to create their own popularity.Feb 15, 2016Feb 15, 2016
Inspiration to RambleInspiration is kind of like watching the dust motes in your vision. You know the ones I’m talking about? Those little shadows of…Jan 28, 2016Jan 28, 2016